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CHL No. 906 Steele Brothers Dairy Ranches - San Mateo


NO. 906 STEELE BROTHERS DAIRY RANCHES - Beginning in the 1850s, the Steele brothers pioneered one of the first large-scale commercial cheese and dairy businesses in California. They extended their operations from Point Reyes to Rancho Punta de Año Nuevo in 1862. This 7,000-acre ranch consisted of five dairies extending from Gazos Creek to Point Año Nuevo. For a century the Steele brothers' dairy ranches were of importance in California's agricultural development.


Cabrillo Highway At New Year's Creek Road
Open Map


The Old Steele Dairy Barn is now the Marine Education Center at Año Nuevo State Park. The dairy buildings are located at the south end of the Año Nuevo State Beach parking lot. The State Plaque is in storage during rennovations.

NO. 906 STEELE BROTHERS DAIRY RANCHES - Marine Education Center