NO. 798 SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE, SITE OF FIRST DOCTORATE DEGREE GRANTED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE SYSTEM - Under the Master Plan for Higher Education adopted in 1960, the colleges in the newly established California College System were given degrees with the University of California, and independent degrees to individuals who have made unusual contributions toward learning and civilization. San Diego State College was the first of the California State Colleges to do so when, on June 7, 1963 it conferred an honorary doctorate upon the late President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
San Diego State University, entrance to service area of Vieja Arena off Canyon Crest Dr.
Open Map
The state plaque is at the entrance to Parking Lot L located on the ground level, across from Parking Structure 4.

CHL 798 San Diego State University marker

No. 798 San Diego State University plaque

CHL 798 San Diego State University plaque with John f. Kennedy quote