NO. 606 B. F. HASTINGS BUILDING - This structure, erected in 1852-53, was occupied during the 1850s by the B. F. Hastings Bank, Wells Fargo & Co., various state officials, the Sacramento Valley Railroad, and the Alta Telegraph Co. During April 1860-May 1861, the Alta Telegraph Co. and its successor, the California State Telegraph Co., were the agents here for the Central Overland Pony Express, owned and operated by the firm of Russell, Majors, and Waddell. The first overland journey eastward of the Pony Express was begun from this historic site on April 4, 1860.
1000 2nd St, plaque located on wall at 2nd St, between J and I Sts, Old Sacramento
Open Map

CHL No. 606 Hastings Building

CHL No. 606 Hastings Building Marker

CHL No. 606 Hastings Building State Plaque

CHL No. 606 Hastings Building Plaque is right next to CHL No. 812 Old Sacramento.