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CHL No. 529 Angel Island - Marin


NO. 529 ANGEL ISLAND - In 1775, the packet San Carlos, first known Spanish ship to enter San Francisco Bay, anchored in this cove. While here, the commander, Lieut. Juan Manual de Ayala, directed the first survey of the bay. This island, which Ayala named Isla de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles, has been a Mexican rancho, a U.S. military post, a bay defense site, and a quarantine and immigration station.


Hospital Cove, Angel Island State Park
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When you get off the ferry, follow the road/path past the restrooms, cafe and head to your right toward the Visitors Center. The plaque is at the picnic area along the path.

NO. 529 ANGEL ISLAND - On the ferry from Tiburon to Angel Island