NO. 340 MISSION LA PURÍSIMA - Established December 8, 1787, by Father Lasuén, the mission was badly damaged by an earthquake in 1812. Removed from control of Franciscans during secularization of the missions, it was abandoned in 1834. State and National Park Services and the Civilian Conservation Corps restored major and many small structures and the water system so that today La Purisima is the only example in California of a complete mission.
La Purisima Mission State Historic Park. There are 2 plaques for this mission. One is located at the intersection of Rucker and Harris Grade Rd, north of the mission. The other is on the north side of Hwy 246, about 1 mile east of the mission.
Open Map

CHL #340 Mission La Purísima

CHL #340 Mission La Purísima

CHL #340 Mission La Purísima-- Church

CHL #340 Mission La Purísima-- Chapel

CHL #340 - Mission La Purísima-- El Camino Real Bell

NO. 340 MISSION LA PURÍSIMA, Intersection of Rucker and Harris

NO. 340 MISSION LA PURÍSIMA, Marker at the intersection of Rucker and Harris

NO. 340 MISSION LA PURÍSIMA, State Plaque at the intersection of Rucker and Harris

NO. 340 MISSION LA PURÍSIMA, Marker north side of Hwy 246, 1 mi east of the mission

NO. 340 MISSION LA PURÍSIMA, Plaque north side of Hwy 246, 1 mi east of the mission