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CHL No. 193 Picacho Mines - Imperial


NO. 193 PICACHO MINES - Opened by placer miners after 1852, the gold mines expanded into hard rock quarrying by 1872. Picacho employed 700 miners at its peak from 1895 to 1900. Mill accidents, low ore quality, and the loss of cheap river transport with the building of Laguna Dam led to numerous periods of inactivity. With ores far from worked out, the Picacho Mines, using modern techniques, again resumed operations in 1984.


State Plaque: Picacho Road, 18.2 Miles North of Winterhaven ~~~~~~~~~~~ Site and Private Plaque: 32.9665833333333,-114.636741666667 ~~~~~~~~~ See picture of map below for locations
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For those of you who chase landmarks, be sure to check out the music of John Malcolm Penn. Many of his songs are based on California Historical Landmarks. One of our favorites is "Picacho Mine" from his "Hangtown Fry" album. We play it every time we travel on a challenging road! The refrain is: "Oh I hate this road I hate this road. Please do not make me go..."

NO. 193 PICACHO MINES - Road to Picacho