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CHL No. 190 Painted Rock - Riverside


NO. 190 PAINTED ROCK - In tribute to the earliest record of any people in this region, the Santa Fe Railway has preserved this rock with its ancient pictograph, and the Committee of the Corona Women's Improvement Club has placed this tablet.


From Temescal Canyon Road, go 0.1 Miles East on Dawson Canyon Road, then go 0.1 Miles Northeastast on Gravel Pit Road, then 0.2 Miles South along railroad track berm, site is 50 ft West of berm, 7 Miles South of Corona
Open Map


The above directions are listed in the guide, BUT they really didn't help us. We used this address: "10500 Access Rd, Corona, CA." Access Road veers to the east at this point. You can park in the turnout. Head south down the steep embankment toward the creek. Follow the trail east for about 250 feet to Painted Rock.


As you walk along the trail by the creek, watch out for barbed wire that is hidden by the overgrown brush.