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CHL No. 1038 Hay Tree - Los Angeles


NO. 1038 Hay Tree - The Hay Tree is an old, 50 foot high camphor tree standing in the middle of a grassy area in downtown Paramount. The tree is a rare remnant of the city’s once thriving dairy and hay industry. The towns of Hynes and Clearwater, which later incorporated to become Paramount, were in the middle of Los Angeles County’s extensive region of dairy farms that thrived during the first half of the twentieth century. Hynes-Clearwater was the “Hay Capital” of the world from about 1930 to about 1960. There are no other properties in Paramount that are linked to the hay industry except for this tree.


16475 Paramount Blvd., Paramount
Open Map


This is one of 11 trees that are California Historical Landmarks.

NO. 1038 Hay Tree