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CHL No. 673 San Gregorio - San Diego

Visited: Oct 2016

GPS: 33.2220333333333,-116.270141666667

NO. 673 SAN GREGORIO - Somewhere in this narrow valley, perhaps on this very spot, the Anza Expeditions of 1774 and 1775 made their camps. Water for the 240 people and over 800 head of stock on the 1775 march was obtained from a series of wells, deeper than the height of a man, dug into the sandy bottom of the wash.

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Beatrice and Denis Delja | TheDeljas@gmail.com

Our search for California Historical Landmarks began in February, 2014. While we were on a pilgrimage visiting the 21 California Missions, we began to notice the California State Plaques. After completing the Mission Trail at San Francisco de Solano, we decided to visit the 1100+ California Historical Landmarks.

Thanks to our son, Nicholas Delja, our California Historical Landmarks website is starting to take shape. We are currently populating each page with information. We will soon be adding pictures of the landmarks that we have visited.

Many thanks to the following websites for helping us locate landmarks up and down California:

Denis and Beatric Delja

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